Becoming a successful email marketer is not easy when everyone else is trying to get ahead of you with their own business emails. Here at CommuniGator, we don’t mind sharing the secrets of our success. So here are the 3 key factors on getting your emails seen, engaged with and shared.

1. Let’s start at the beginning with your subject line

With the average business professional receiving around 88 emails a day, your email is struggling to stand out in your prospects inboxes before they’ve even read the content. That’s why your subject line is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT part of getting your emails opened and read.

The 3 best subject line types that get opened include:

“Re: your last email” – Subject lines with Re: in the title are opened 92% of the time, even if they are not a reply email.

“[Name], I’m sorry” – Using personal emotion makes your prospects believe they already know you or have interacted with you, making them more likely to open your email over others.

“This will only take 30 seconds” – With business prospects only able to spare, they appreciate emails that don’t take up too much time. A timeframe or deadline also creates a sense of urgency, encouraging your prospect to open the email in question.

2. What do you need to once your prospect has opened your email

Of course, your email open rate is not the only important measurement. Now that you have your prospects attention, you need to keep it and make the most of it. Your engagement and click-through rates are all based on the body of your email, there are two key factors to remember.

Keep it personal.

Using your prospects first name and saying “you” twice as much as “I” and “we” will convince your prospect that their email is all about them, rather than being about you trying to sell to them. The more you play to their ego in the email, the more likely they are to reply or interact with your call to actions.

Keep it short and sweet.

Your message to potential prospects should be short and sweet. Most people tend to skim read, so put your most important message in the first line. Cover some of your key points in the second paragraph and then give them a bit call to action to interact with at the bottom. For more information on this design strategy, check out how you can apply the f-in template in your emails.

3.  Improving your click-through rate

At the end of the day though, it all comes down to your email click-through rates. Your emails are a website traffic driver. So whatever your call to action is, it needs to inspire your prospects to move on to your website.

The number one way we’ve found to work is to provide valuable content. It doesn’t even have to promote our product. It can just be a how to guide on how to write effective emails, a report on what is happening in the B2B marketing world or interactive content such as e-books, apps, assessments, quizzes and calculators.

For more on how to create highly effective B2B emails check out our full guide here.